Graal 2002 Help! ..::Other::..

By Lloyd

From Er1c(RC):
Crafting for dummies:

If there is no fire going in the stove, grab onto it to put in some
coal and light it up. After the fire is going, lay down some iron
by pressing A on the stove. when the bar of iron gets RED
HOT, take it off with the plyers (you don't want to burn yourself)
and then cool it off with the water. Once it is somewhat cooled,
you can go to an anvil and choose what you want to craft.

You do NOT need your own hammer to craft. It is right next to
the anvil and ready for you.
From Lloyd:
Making Swords:
A lot of people have asked me how to make swords and its simple! First, find the crafting place(look at my map) and go to it, inside walk up to one of those blueish anvils and pull and a menu will come up asking you what you want to make, choose it and you will make that item, simple as that!
From Alkaren:
Sword Making Guide:
First, you must go to a crafting house. There are two that I know of -- one in the northeast town, and one by the pub in the starting town.

Inside, you should grab the plyers, that way you can grab the hot iron and hold onto it (I will get to this later.) Then go to one of the stoves. If fire is out, go up to it and press 'a'. This will light the fire, and use a piece of coal (you must have a piece of coal to do this, of course!)
But, if the fire is already going, just walk up to the stove and press a, to lay down a piece of iron, which will turn into a green bar and wait for it to turn red. When it turns red, grab it with your plyers and take it over to the water barrel. Water it ONCE, so that it will turn purple. Go over to a regular anvil (not the crystal one. That one is used later) and press d, infront of it, and a screen will pop up, asking which you want to craft: currently you can either craft a blade or a watering can. You do not need to find a hammer, because you will automaticly use one when you craft. Go a head and craft four blades, just so you have a full selection of what you want to make. Now, go over to the crystal anvil and press a. Another screen will pop up. With four blades you can choose to make either: a scythe, a skull sword, a split sword, or a steel sword. If you only have three blades you can only make a steel sword or a scythe. Select the sword, let it craft, and grab it and volia! You have a new sword.

Remember you must have atleast two pieces of gold to make the hilt.
From Lloyd:
About the RPG Window:
Some of you may have noticed that when you press F2 it brings up an RPG Window. I will explain this window here.
First of all, DO NOT TYPE ANYTHING IN THE BOX AT THE BOTTOM!!! It will confuse the server and all you will get is a message saying "I don't understand the command '___'", it may even result in the server crashing.
Now I will explain the message you may get:
You have entered into the world of Graal 2002.
You logged on.
Your endurance has been fully restored.
Your endurance/stamina is full.
You wield the sword.
You pulled out your sword.
-Your sword swings wide, missing .
You slashed, but missed.
strikes you a solid blow with his sword.
HAHA, he hit you!
You feel fully healed.
You have full health.
I don't understand the command '___'
UH, OH. NPC Server= BOOM! Stefan= GRR! Everyone Else= F*** YOU! You= Dead!

Here are the commands you CAN type into the box:
I think WEAPON is one...

From Lloyd..::Webmaster::..:
Controling Zeppelins:
First, to get a Zeppelin, go to the Zeppelin Retal place which is across the river from Palmaloma, trade the woman 1 gold for 1 ticket(open your menu, select gold, then select Trade to Vendor), then hop in a Zeppelin...
The commands for the Zeppelin are:
A-Get off(it will dissappear)
S-Fly down, land
D-Fly up
From Lloyd..::Webmaster::..:
Gralat Game:
In the gralat game, 3 players have a gralat, the objective is to kill the player with the gralat...
How to tell who has the gralat:
1-They will have a transperent gralat above their head
2-Say 'show gralat'
Show gralat-shows who has the gralat
End gralat game-Ends the game
To Begin:
Touch the pot in Palmaloma!