Graal 2002 Help! ..::Jobs::..

By Lloyd

Here I will list and explain all of the available jobs(ways to get stuff).

Reward: Minerals
Required: Pick Axe
1- Go to the mines
2- Wander around until you find a rock
3- Stand infront of the rock and continuasly use your pick, you will receive a random mineral

Weapon Crafting:
Reward: Sword/Shield
Required: Iron, Plier, Coal(maybe), Gold
1- Go to a crafting shop
2- Go up to a fireplace, if it isnt lit press A to use a coal
3- Press A to place an iron
4- Wait until it gets hot(turns red)
5- Pick it off with the pliers
6- Go over to a barrel of water and press D to make it cool(turns purple)
7- Go over to a grey anvil and press D
- Select Blade for a sword or Shield Plate for a shield
8- Your character will craft the chosen object, pick it up with A
- You may need to get more than 1 plate/blade
9- Go to a blue anvil and press A, select the desired sword/shield and you will craft it, pick it up with A

Tool Crafting:
Reward: Scythe/Watering Can
Required: Iron, Coal(maybe), Gold, Plier
1- Go to a crafting shop
2- Go up to a fireplace, if it isnt lit press A to use a coal
3- Press A to place an iron
4- Wait until it gets hot(turns red)
5- Pick it off with the pliers
6- Go over to a barrel of water and press D to make it cool(turns purple)
7- Go over to a grey anvil and press D
-You can make a watering can here, for a scythe make a blade(I think you need 3)
8- Your character will craft the chosen object, pick it up with A
9- Go to a blue anvil and press A, select the scythe and you will craft it, pick it up with A

Reward: Bread Stack/Dough Roller/Torch/Kindling Wood
Required: Planks
1- Go to the woodworking shop
2- Go up to a table and press A
3- Select the desired object and your character will make it, pick it up with A

Bread Baking
Reward: Corn
Required: Corn Seeds, Watering Can, Scythe
1- Plant a corn seed
2- Fill your watering can
3- Use your watering can whenever you see a water drop on the plant
4- Cut down the plant when it bears corn
5- Pick up the corn with A

Reward: Bread
Required: Corn, Bread Stack, Dough Roller, Coal(maybe), Water
1- Hold the corn above your head and touch the door of a windmill, you will get wheat
2- Go to a bread baking shop
3- Press A at a table to put down wheat and water
4- Use the dough roller until the wheat turns into bread
5- Pick it up with the bread stack and put it in the oven
-Put coal in the oven(A) if it isnt lit
5- When the bread turns a dark brown, take it out and press A to receive it!